
The brand Challenge

The Whimsical Whisk is a growing food brand specialising in cake sauces, glazes, and other delectable eats.

When Rezana from The Whimasical Whisk approached us, she already had the beginnings of her brand, but needed help taking the brand identity to the next level. The brand was about to grow it’s product line and needed a consistent look and feel to go with their delicious offerings. 

The brand Solution

After consulting with the client we learned that as a growing brand, The Whimsical Whisk needed a solution that could applied to various products, have a strong shelf presence and still have differentiation in their product line. They needed food branding that stands out! 

The Visual Identity kit was created which consisted of:

  • A strong logo
  • A brand pattern
  • A consistent layout style
  • Brand colours and product colours

Like what you see?
Get in touch to see how we can help your food branding.